Babies and children
Birth Trauma
At birth the bones of the Cranium are not fully formed. During the birth process they become severely compressed by the force of uterine contractions. Cranial compression usually corrects itself due to the internal dynamics of fluid motion within the cranium. But compressive forces can overwhelm the capacity to remould and create cranisacral imbalances. These can have far reaching physical, emotional and psychological effects.
As well as compression, birth can also imprint shock in the nervous system and stress patterns in the soft tissues of the body. Even the easiest birth may leave some disturbances. The use of anaesthetics, artificial induction, forceps, ventouse extraction, or the sudden pressure changes of Caesarean section can be particularly traumatic. Many years of working with babies has also shown that earlier experiences arising from life in the womb may also impact babies and can benefit from treatment.
Many conditions that babies routinely suffer from such as colic, fractious behaviour, breathing difficulties, digestive problems, ear infections, eczema, feeding and suckling problems, glue ear and reflux can be the result of unresolved birth trauma.
Treatment for Babies
Using very gentle touch to release restrictions and embodied shock and trauma Craniosacral Therapy helps restore health to the body. Treatment is non-invasive and can be done without removing clothes or nappies. By resolving imbalances before they become chronically anchored Craniosacral Therapy enhances healthy growth and future development. This paves the way for greater self-esteem and well-being throughout childhood and later life.
As well as using traditional craniosacral skills I also bring to my work with babies and children extensive training in the field of pre and perinatal therapy. This involves paying attention to what we call ‘baby-body language’. These are non-random repetitive body movements that relate to specific phases of the birth process. These movements allow us insight into the experience of the individual baby in his or her birth journey. They are often accompanied by emotional expressions as babies let go of embodied experiences that were overwhelming for them at the time.
When we ‘listen to the story’ that a baby tells us through their expressiveness and body movements with empathy, babies are able to process experiences that they were not able to process at the time they occurred. When babies are met with empathy in this way not only are they able to release body tensions and shock, but they also have the experience of being known and understood on a deep level. Many parents relate that this not only helps to foster a more relaxed baby, but also deepens the parental-baby bond.
Older Children
Older children can also benefit from craniosacral treatment. There may still be unresolved birth patterns or other issues effecting a child’s health and well-being. These may contribute to a number of different conditions, such as allergies, anxiety, asthma, autism, bed-wetting, behavioural problems, constipation, dyslexia, dyspraxia, constant ear infections and glue ear, eczema, headaches, hyperactivity, insomnia, learning difficulties, nightmares, sinusitis, spinal curvatures, school phobia, squints, visual disturbances and weakened immunity.
Accidents, post-operative or dental trauma, stress and many other factors also have wide ranging effects that may benefit from Craniosacral Therapy.
Treatment for older Children
The same basic principles of treatment apply at any age. However they need to be adapted to best suit the child, depending on both age and temperament. At a certain age children do not like to lie still, so elements of play therapy may also be integrated into the treatment.
Children are worked with, not imposed upon in treatment sessions. Advice as to how best to prepare a child for craniosacral treatment is offered before the first session. All work with babies and children is ‘permission-based.’ This is to say that is in done in co-operation with both the parents and the child.